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          information:首頁 > language > English > Tourist route

          Zhangjiajie National Forest Park World Natural Heritage Two-day Tour

          from:Zhangjiajie News Network writer: Read:

              【Itinerary features】

              ★  Zhangjiajie, a beautiful and mysterious place, a beautiful city, welcome your arrival! Honor of sight spots: World Geopark, World Natural Heritage List, First National Forest Park in China, National AAAAA Scenic Zone......

              ★  We do not stroll too long together with family and colleagues, not contact closely with nature too long, “hole up” in cement room too long....., Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Two-day Tour, only see the classics!

              【Major sight spots】

              Big Oxygen Bar Square, Huangshi Village, Jinbian Stream, Zicaotan, Tianzi Mountain, Long Gallery, Longdistance Meet…..

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