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          information:首頁 > language > English > zhangjiajie news

          An Introduction for 2013 Zhangjiajie Thematic Cultural Activity

          from:Zhangjiajie News Network writer: Read:

              On April 24, the open ceremony of Zhangjiajie Thematic Cultural Activity went to the public with excellent and wonderful exhibit show full of local color, which was held on the square of the old railway station at Xixiping. It is planned that the activity will last 6 months from April to October.


              The cultural activity consists three themes which is very creative and suits both refined and popular tastes, that is “Happy Xiaoxiang, Beautiful Zhangjiajie”, “Graceful Sanxiang, Poetic Zhangjiajie” as well as “Happy Xiaoxiang, Enthusiastic Zhangjiajie”(Xiaoxiang and Sanxiang are the nickname of Zhangjiajie). In the form of joint art performances, elegant art show and square dance, the activity suits its purpose to guiding citizens in Zhangjiajie to gather together their positive energy and passion. It is in no doubt that a much more jubilant and prospering cultural environment is fostering and developing in Zhangjiajie as long as more and more citizens are able to take an active participation in the mentioned thematic cultural activity or other activities good for the the building of a more civilized city.



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